
Nikon Owner Magazine Gives Away Free Ticket to Heather Angel Workshop on Twitter

A single tweet in December by one lucky Twitter user will secure them a free place – worth £245 – on the prestigious and highly sought after Heather Angel Wildlife and Natural History Workshop in July 2011. 


Heather Angel

Nikon Owner, the magazine of the Nikon world, launched today a competition on Twitter for which the prize is a free place on the celebrated Heather Angel Wildlife and Natural History Workshop, held annually in East Grinstead, Sussex. Now in its 15th year, this prestigious workshop, presented by internationally renowned Professor Heather Angel, includes a full day of lectures, demonstrations and the chance to handle and use a large range of new Nikon camera equipment and Think Tank camera bags. These workshops regularly attract visitors from all over the U.K., Europe and throughout the world.

A ticket to the workshop, which includes a sumptuous lunch and dinner, and usually costs £245 (£185 to Nikon Owner subscribers), will be given away free of charge to the lucky winner of this exciting Nikon Owner Twitter competition.

How to enter
All Twitter users need to do to enter the competition is to include the Twitter hashtag “#nikonownermag” anywhere in their tweet. For example:

“I’ve entered Nikon Owner magazine’s Heather Angel workshop competition – wish me luck! #nikonownermag Pls RT”

To be eligible for the prize, entrants must also be following @nikonownermag. It’s as simple as that. The competition ends 24:00 GMT 31 December 2010 and the winner, chosen randomly, will be announced on Twitter by @nikonownermag on 4 January 2011.

“I think we are going to make one Twitter user very happy. To attend a full day’s workshop given by one of the world’s greatest wildlife photographers free of charge from just a single tweet can’t be bad!” said Gray Levett, editor of Nikon Owner magazine and founder of the exclusive Nikon-only dealer, Grays of Westminster. “We wholeheartedly believe in social media so this, our first foray into Twitter competitions, certainly won’t be our last. Our next competition will very likely be held on Facebook, so watch this space…”

About Heather Angel
Award-winning wildlife photographer Professor Heather Angel is the author of sixty books and a veritable authority on photography. She also writes regularly for the worldwide photographic press. Through her lectures, workshops, and writing, Heather has always been an enthusiastic tutor on wildlife and nature photography.

For more information on the Heather Angel Wildlife and Natural History Workshop, here is a link to the 2010 press release:
Nikon joins Heather Angel’s Wildlife & Natural History Workshops in July 2010

About Nikon Owner
Nikon Owner magazine and its interactive website, is considered by many to be the world’s number 1 user group for Nikon owners. It was initially founded with the purpose of assisting Nikon users to make full use of the Nikon equipment they own, to give advice on a wide spectrum of photographic queries and problems, and at the same time to offer ideas to bring about an increase in photographic skills.

For more information, please contact:

Gillian Greenwood
Features Editor and Events & Training Coordinator
Nikon Owner magazine
40 Churton Street

+44 (0)20 7828 8971



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