
Serengeti Safari Kogatende Series with Paul Johnson-Hicks

Serengeti Safari
The River Crossings Series

With Award-Winning Wildlife Photographer
Paul Joynson-Hicks MBE

Daily, short, interactive YouTube films shot in the Serengeti National Park, Tanzania, starting today!

This is a different kind of email in that it does not tell you about a one-off event but a fun, interactive wildlife adventure in the Serengeti which is starting its third season today.

Award-winning professional wildlife photographer and long-time Nikon Owner contributor Paul Joynson-Hicks is part of the group behind the YouTube channel Serengeti Safari One Day at Time and each day he will dose out a helpful Daily Photo Tip and, whether it is about composition or just what to do with your photographs, it is really useful as well as being fun to watch.

After each episode you can ask questions in the YouTube comments which can get answered by Paul Joynson-Hicks or the other guides in the film the next day. If you ever had questions you have wanted to ask about wildlife photography, now is your chance. They are filming a series of eight short films, so get a coffee (or tea) and start watching Episode One of the Kogatende Series – Swimming Lessons for Wildebeest here:

On Sunday, 26th July 2020, there will be a LIVE Q&A session at 5.30 pm EAT (3.30 pm BST) on their Youtube Channel.

About Serengeti Safari One Day at Time

Serengeti Safari One Day at Time is a group of wildlife enthusiasts who had no work due to the global lockdown but were able to get out to the Serengeti and do some filming. So they decided to push boundaries and be creative and to post, every day for about 10 days each month, a short, fun, irreverent wildlife TV show to give you some idea of what it is like on safari and photographing wildlife.

The group is made up of Paul Joynson-Hicks as well as two of Tanzania’s leading safari guides and wildlife experts, Jombi Kivuyo and Richard Knocker and the filmmaker Eliza Powell, who is director, camera and editor all in one and who was not panicked at the thought of having to create an eight-minute film every day for 10 days and then again the following month.

The idea is one of an interactive TV show, which means they would love to hear from you. So please send your questions about wildlife photography, wildlife or just what it is like being on a safari or a photo safari; anything you have on your mind and they will try and get to it in their “After Episode” section every day. If you enjoy it please forward it to friends, relatives, work colleagues, schools, clubs, in short, anyone who might enjoy the latest in Wildlife TV Entertainment and Information. And don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to their Youtube Channel so they can let you know as soon as they post each short and action-packed episode.

Click here for Series One: The Naabi Series and Series Two: The Seronera Series
The Kogatende Series: The Prequel and Prints for Conservation

About Paul Joynson-Hicks

Born and brought up in the UK, Paul went straight into photography after school as a photography assistant to photographer Angelo Valentino. In 1993 he moved to Africa – first Uganda, then Tanzania from 1997. He has released several books; a travel photography book on Uganda in 1994, a book on Tanzania published by Quiller Press in 1998 and another two books: Safari Dreaming – An African Adventure in The South Luangwa Valley which was his last big work all shot on film and more recently, on behalf of a client, SAADANI – A Celebration, his first major work entirely on digital. Paul is the founder of the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards and the Mars Petcare Comedy Pet Photo Awards and has been involved in a number of charitable projects. He has been awarded an MBE for his charitable work in Tanzania.

Paul considers himself extraordinarily lucky to be able to get into the African bush and take photographs with the overall aim of showing people the amazing Serengeti and to encourage people to visit as soon as they are able to, in order to try and help conservation and tourism get back on their feet. Also, as a professional wildlife photographer, to give his fellow photographers and enthusiasts some real-life and almost-live Top Tips on Wildlife Photography in situ and in brief. You can find out more about him and his work on his website:

Enjoy the episodes and hopefully there will be a fourth season or more, even with restrictions lifting!



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